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Attorney Jonathan Wright smoking a cigar wearing a suit


Attorney Jonathan E. Wright puts two decades of legal acumen to work for his clients.  With years of experience as both a prosecutor and a defense attorney, Mr. Wright knows how a prosecutor thinks and uses that to the defensive advantage of his clients.  


Mr. Wright's primary areas of law practice are Traffic Law, Driving While Impaired (DWI) Defense, and Criminal Defense of Misdemeanors and Felonies.  See more information below.

rocks glass with bourbon on ice beside car keys
chalkboard with wooden frame with the words clean slate written in chalk


Every day, Attorney Jonathan Wright uses his vast experience of both prosecution and criminal defense to represent the interests of his clients.  From the seemingly slightest misdemeanor to serious felonies, being charged with a crime can have devastating repercussions for everyone.  Put Jonathan Wright's experience on both sides of the courtroom to your benefit if you are charged with an offense.


Mr. Wright represents defendants at all stages of criminal proceeding, from District to Superior Court, from arrest to acquittal.  The consequences of a criminal conviction can be far reaching, with punishments ranging from fines to lengthy incarcerations.  Having the right attorney on your side is of utmost importance when facing any criminal charge.




Many people think that simply paying off their traffic citations (i.e. speeding tickets, red light violations, stop sign violations, expired tags/insurance, etc.) will make their problem go away.  This is rarely the case.  Paying off a traffic ticket is the same as pleading guilty, exposing you to the automobile insurance increases that come from increased insurance points. 


Hiring Attorney Jonathan Wright to represent you in court for your traffic violation is often cheaper than paying off a ticket and is almost always less expensive than an increase in your automobile insurance rates for the next three years.  In many cases, Mr. Wright can obtain dismissals for many traffic offenses and negotiate those that cannot be dismissed down to non-moving violations, thereby saving you from insurance increases.


We also represent defendants with more serious offenses, such as driving while license revoked, careless or reckless driving, no operator's license, and speeding in school zone offenses, just to name a few.


Don't drink and drive!  If you've had too much, call a friend, family member, or take an Uber home.  But if you've been charged with driving while impaired (DWI), also known as driving under the influence (DUI), then you are facing some very serious consequences. 


Not only is your privilege to drive at stake, your freedom is also at risk as the maximum punishment for a DWI conviction is 3 years in prison, depending on the circumstances.  Attorney Jonathan Wright has years of experience defending those accused of driving while subject to an impairing substance.


Driving While Impaired is codified in North Carolina General Statutes 20-138.1 and following.  Defending a DWI takes skill, finesse, and the ability to exploit every mistake made by law enforcement and every advantage under each circumstance.  Mr. Wright takes into account your past criminal background and driving history and develop a strategy to best meet your needs and desires for the disposition of your case.  He is qualified to put you in the best possible position for the best possible outcome of your case.


man's hands in handcuffs behind his back

A criminal charge can follow you for the rest of your life, even if you win in court.  Even an acquittal or a verdict of not guilty does not remove the charge from your criminal record.  To permanently remove a charge from your record, you have to seek an expunction of the charge.  Expunctions are also known as expungements or expungments.  An expunction is the legal process by which a charge is permanently removed or erased from your criminal record.


Most expunctions are done where the charges against the defendant are dismissed or the defendant is acquitted of the charge.  This is done via North Carolina General Statute 15A-146.  While you are not required to hire a lawyer for have a charge expunged, most people find the process too tedious or complicated to handle on their own.  There are a lot of hoops to jump through and criteria to meet in order to be eligible for an expunction.  If you have a charge against you that was dismissed or for which you were found not guilty, you may be eligible to have the charge permanently removed from your record so that you can move on with your life.

Expunctions for Certain Convictions


Certain misdemeanor and felony convictions qualify to be expunged under North Carolina law.  There are several methods by which certain non-violent convictions can be removed from one’s criminal record if all qualifications are met.  Some methods are for those who were minors or less than 21 years of age at the time of the offense.  Some require waiting two years after conviction or release from confinement or probation/ parole, while some require waiting 20 years after conviction or release from confinement or probation/parole.  The requirements for these expunctions are very complex and require an attorney who knows the best way to remove these convictions from your record.   Both Attorney Jonathan Wright and Attorney Adam Barrington can assist you in clearing your record once and for all.

police car with emergency lights on
Criminal Defense
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Barrington Wright PLLC




8:30 AM - 4:30 PM



8:30mAM - 2:00 PM


Saturday & Sunday





127 S. Cool Spring Street

Fayetteville, NC  28301


Phone  /  910-433-2000

​Fax  /  910-433-9181



127 S. Cool Spring Street

Fayetteville, NC  28301




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